Pronunciation difference found in Spanish Manuscript

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Chris Watts
Posts: 306
Joined: Thu May 13, 2021 8:00 am

Pronunciation difference found in Spanish Manuscript

Post by Chris Watts »

Ok so no big deal - but I thought it interesting enough to post it to the forum for comments maybe? I have not noticed differences in manuscripts from different eras and countries before, so this was interesting. I was reading through Codex Curtisianns Psalm 120, and in verse 4 you find the word : קֵדָֽר - This is the more common pronunciation as found in Leningrad codex and other manuscripts, but in this manuscript from Spain dated around 14th century you read קֵדֵר You will find the verse on the Right Page Top of Left Column.

Are there other cases where pronunciations differ across manuscripts through different times and place?

Chris Watts
Posts: 839
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Re: Pronunciation difference found in Spanish Manuscript

Post by ducky »


I think it is the same pointing.

The right dot is the cantillation mark Siluk.
And the left dot is the bottom part of the Qamats (the upper line is a little bit wiped).

(The page number is 193).
David Hunter
Chris Watts
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Re: Pronunciation difference found in Spanish Manuscript

Post by Chris Watts »

Oh...another observation for the dustbin. Well in my defense I did search to compare many other tseres on that page and at least half of them were at a slight angle to the left just like this one under the 'Quf'. So if all the tseres were horizontally penned then I would not have seen this as such. Good enough excuse?

Chris watts
Posts: 839
Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:01 pm

Re: Pronunciation difference found in Spanish Manuscript

Post by ducky »

Yes. It is confusing.
David Hunter
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