Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex - New text update process

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Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex - New text update process

Post by cvkimball »

A new version, 25.5, and text update process for the Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex at:


is available.

The Groves Center and its predecessor, the Westminster Hebrew Institute, have provided the biblical Hebrew text, the Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC), to this site for 17 years. The Groves Center has recently applied a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivative License to future releases of the WLC. This license is incompatible with this site's "without restriction" License on the biblical Hebrew text.

The current version of the text, WLC 4.20, is more than 4 years old and in need of updating. Since the release of WLC 4.20 viewers have suggested 28 corrections to the text. They are shown in the "Proposed changes to the text" link on the Changes page at <http://www.tanach.us/Pages/Changes.html>.

Viewers are encouraged to review these text changes and to suggest their own changes.
Approved changes will be documented and attributed to authors on the book's TEI header.

The next version of this site, 26.0, will be based on the WLC 4.20 modified by the approved changes and will be designated the Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex 1.0 (UXLC 1.0). It will appear within two months and will continue to be updated as needed.

Thanks to the Groves Center for the many years of cooperative effort and best wishes in their future endeavors.

The site operation and underlying WLC text (WLC 4.20) are unchanged.
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