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זקן בא בימים what does it mean?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:08 pm
by Isaac Fried
We read in Gen. 24:1 "And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age".

First I wonder if זקן ZAQEN, 'old', is related to זקן ZAQAN, 'beard'. Then, it occurs to me that ZAQEN is, according to the HB, by no means passe. Indeed, slightly later, in Gen. 25:1, we are told about old (140 years?) Abe making space in his tent for a new charming wife, by the name of QTURAH, and that, without delay, he had by her six (six!) healthy boys; not counting the girls.

Moral: things in the HB are not what they superficially seem to be.

Isaac Fried, Boston University