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Lete-Biblical Hebrew, or Proto-Mishnaic, or Mishnaic Hebrew in Babylonian - Persian Period?

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2024 5:39 pm
by BryantIII
Dear List,

Jan Joosten has posted a new article entitled,

"On the History of Hebrew after the Fall of Jerusalem."

Link: ... _Jerusalem.
It is 49 pagesk and is downloadable as a pdf file.

Brief Abstract:

"Linguistic evidence indicates that an early form of Mishnaic Hebrew came into being over a relatively short period between the end of the sixth and the end of the fifth century BCE. Historical reasoning suggests that the most likely backdrop for the formation of this new form of Hebrew is the return of Judean exiles from Babylonian exile. The birth of proto-MH inaugurated a long period of diglossia, various effects of which can be observed in the texts from this period."

Re: Lete-Biblical Hebrew, or Proto-Mishnaic, or Mishnaic Hebrew in Babylonian - Persian Period?

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2024 10:21 am
by talmid56
I'm reading it now. Anything Joosten writes is worth reading and considering, in my view.