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learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:56 pm
by SteveMiller
I am assistant-teaching a basic Biblical Hebrew class.
The curriculum teaches the students to write the Hebrew block letters, slightly simplified.
The students have a hard time making bets that are distinguishable from kaf's; reshes from dalets and final kafs; etc.

I never learned to write the block letters.
In Hebrew school they just taught us to write script.
And my mind had no problem relating the script to the block letters (except that I can't remember final fei and final tsade in script).

I was wondering if it would be better to teach people to write script.
It is much faster to write, and you can be much less careful in writing because the letters are much more differentiated.

My questions are:
Are children in Israel taught to write block letters?
When a person emigrates to Israel, not knowing Hebrew, are they taught to write block letters?
Is it different depending if they are old or young?


Re: learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 11:37 pm
by Jason Hare
I'm sure children are taught to write block letters first. No one writes block letters as an adult. Everyone writes cursive.

I'm currently teaching a course in which I have to do a lot of on-screen writing, and it's REALLY hard to write square characters. I've asked permission to write my פ "upside-down" because writing the square פ is terribly slow and awkward.

Re: learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:26 pm
by SteveMiller
thanks Jason!

Re: learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:04 am
by SteveMiller
Jason, do adult Israeli immigrants learn to write block letters at all? thanks

Re: learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:57 am
by Jason Hare
Not well, but yes. LOL

Re: learn writing Hebrew script vs block letters

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:38 pm
by SteveMiller
Thanks Jason!